To respond to the challenges of the market, companies need to equip themselves with the appropriate tools but above all with professionals who have the necessary methodological and technical skills.

Unfortunately, the lack of specialized personnel capable of operating on new technologies (especially those linked to initiatives in the «Industry 4.0» sector) does not always allow companies, even the largest ones, to respond with the necessary speed in dealing with the ever-more aggressive competitiveness of the ICT sector.

Our initiative called “Nevil Academy” was therefore born as a response to the great shortage in the labor market of professionals related to the ICT sector, and from the need expressed by companies to find qualified and certified personnel, essential for promoting innovation, facilitating growth but above all to allow companies to participate in tenders and framework agreements that require such professionalism.
NEVIL Srl founded as an innovative startup in Italy in 2018, has been working for 5 years in the IT sector and the creation of products with a high technological impact. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of the IT market, over time Nevil has not only carried out top-level projects in strategic sectors but has also established strong commercial relationships that have allowed the company to grow and continue to invest in products and partnerships useful for the purpose. Together with Universities, Research Centers, think tanks, leading companies, innovative startups, Research spin-offs, institutions, non-governmental organizations, and national and foreign experts, NEVIL Srl is part of an innovative and interdisciplinary network of higher education and circuits international certification that will allow us to provide services with high added value, combining the advantages of the academic and research sector with those of specialized companies.

Having public and private Research and University partners will allow our offer to reach any interlocutor and will enable various types of training interventions to be activated: scheduled, on-demand, Lectio magistralis on specific topics, live events, providing the following services:

– Degrees in technical disciplines;
– Academic Masters;
– Advanced training courses;
– Seminars held by market leaders;
– Certification paths;
– Various initiatives agreed upon ad-hoc with companies.

The areas in which the NEVIL ICT Academy will operate are mainly two:
•professional (training courses aimed at obtaining professional certifications);
• academic (training courses for obtaining Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees).
In this way, we will be able to help train both the technical staff and the management of our partner companies.

The certification paths dedicated to professionals will cover all areas of the ICT sector: Security, server systems and networking infrastructures, Cloud, software development, technologies related to the «Industry 4.0» paradigm (IoT, Big Data, AI, etc), methodological aspects and managerial (ISO, ITIL, COBIT, PMI, SCRUM, etc).

With degree courses and university Master, we will instead train new managers and prepare future professionals for the world of work.

Alongside these two main training strands, we will also provide courses for specialists in issues relating to European planning, subsidized finance, and reporting.

Our job consists in initiating graduates towards the most innovative study paths and directing them to specialize and hold leadership positions in companies in the ICT and Cyber Security sectors.

Our advanced training and certification programs will provide, in constant agreement with what is required by the client companies, to train new professionals ready to operate in the shortest possible time and to be quickly included in large orders and research projects.

In this way, in addition to training professionals who create added value for companies, we will reduce the time-to-market necessary to make them immediately employable.

All our programs include classroom lessons, Labs, and test sessions in environments that are immediately usable and available 24/7 in the Cloud, technical presentations by the major technological players, internships with leading companies in the sector, sessions for preparing for certification exams, and tutorship and mentoring activities for the achievement of certifications.

In the Cyber Security sector, Nevil can provide the:
• Master and specialist degree courses;
• I and II level university Masters;
• Highly specialized courses held by university professors, industry experts, and certified personnel;
•Preparatory technical courses for obtaining certifications;
• Attack and defense workshops;
• Technical update seminars